Thursday, December 18, 2008


I injured my finger exactly 18 days ago. I'm not new to this game I know everything there is to know about finger injuries and everything that goes along with it. I been resting for 18 days now no climbing, hardly any pullups pretty much can't do anything that requires pulling. I'm going crazy I usually injure my self during summers trying too hard on plastic, but now I'm missing the season! and I'm only getting older, if you think about it I only prolly got 10 more seasons before I start getting all old and broken.

Anyways..........check out the video of Chris Sharma on his new route Golpe de Estado 5.15b!!!!!!!!!! INSANE and totally inspiring. Next time your working your project and you get a bit down on yourself just remember the mantra "what one man can do another can do" and try just a bit harder.

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