Friday, June 11, 2010

Second Go

So here it is, I quit this rig already once. Figured why would I post a blog, I'm a nobody and with so many interesting peeps out there doing the same thing it was pointless. But then I realized this bloggy blog is to pay homage to my true homeboys that I kick it with on the regular trying to succeed in this pointless yet obsessive sport we call rock climbing, for my homies that I've met in travels that may stumble across this site and wonder what in the hell that crazy ass kid from Bamer has been up to, and most importantly for me. I love going back and looking at my post from a year ago. Seeing what I was up to, what I looked like and how I've changed. So I've changed this blog up a bit gave it a new name, new look, and dusted the cob webs off. The goal is to start posting more on my training in my ever long quest to obtain fitness, my conquests on the rock, what my boys have been doing, and maybe some personal thoughts followed by lots of pics.

OK so I think my last post was in October sometime, I was living in Huntsville and probably incredibly syked about the season coming. However by the time October rolled around I had gained to my all time heaviest which was due to work, beer, and borderline depression from living in Huntsville. Gaining weight is a funny thing, because you don't really realize you are gaining until it's too late. In December I crimped too hard for a fat boy and popped a tendon. BOOM POP done for the season, major depression set in, but also a new determination fire was lit in my belly and fuck it I was gonna get back in shape, as a matter of fact my "New Year's Resolution" was to be in the best physical climbing shape ever for the season 2010! I've had a long standing goal of accomplishing v10 by my 30th birthday, this leaves one more season!

Fast forward several months and a lot of shit has changed. So here I am I quit my job at NASA and took a job in Birmingham working with an environmental engineering company so that I could be closer to a "real climbing scene" and so that I could start to get my train on to accomplish my goals. This is where I'm gonna leave you. Up next will be some posts from my training journal and what I've accomplished these last two months.

Hope this finds everyone well and in good spirits!


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